We help EA organizations create strong boards by finding qualified and diverse professionals
Organizations we have helped
“Nonprofit boards have great power, but low engagement; unclear responsibility; and ~zero accountability.”
— Holden Karnofsky
The aim of the EA Good Governance Project is to help EA organisations implement good governance.
At the outset, this means one thing in particular, the Board Candidate Directory.
Over time, we hope to add practical resources for Boards on topics such as:
Measuring impact
Running good meetings
Setting appropriate policies
Assessing CEO and senior team competencies
Technicalities, e.g. incorporation, reporting
Eventually, there may be the potential to provide consulting services, such as recruitment, board assessments and leadership coaching.
This project is being bootstrapped at first and operating under the fail-fast philosophy. It is not pretty or fancy at the moment. That will come only if / when it proves its usefulness.